End-Use Parts
Create small batches of customized parts, replacement parts or custom parts with very little effort and costs.

Success Story - Sirolis
SIROLIS is a precast concrete industry, strategically located in the center of Portugal, Pombal, and was founded in 1980.
It is dedicated to the manufacture of a wide range of articles and solutions for design, architecture, urban mobility, electrical, hydraulic, road and telecommunications infrastructures.

Replacement Parts
With the use of 3D printed parts and components tou can improve the repairing process by printing the replacment parts on site

Custom Parts
Customize all the parts you need to facilitate your processes.

Small Batch Production
Using 3D printers to produce small batches of items can save you a lot of time and money.
Blocks R21
Learn how this printer can you help you achieve the best print quality with the least effort and the easiest maintenance.