Blocks and N Solutions join forces to recreate a replica of the DHL Angola A320 Airplane
Successful collaboration in a masterpiece at the new Luanda International Airport (NAIL)

N Solutions, a company specializing in logistics and assembly solutions, approached Blocks to develop its new project, a perfect replica of the DHL Angola A320 airplane. Using the 3D model created by the artist Zydac, Blocks utilized its latest RD50 and R21 printers to print all airplane components, while N Solutions was responsible for the assembly and final finishing.

The result of the collaboration between Blocks and N Solutions is a masterpiece at the new Luanda International Airport (NAIL). Meticulous work on every detail of the replica of the DHL Angola A320, a testament to the skill, quality, and precision of teamwork between N Solutions and Blocks.
This successful collaboration showcases the power of 3D printing technology.